This challenge is a bit Russ-like, asking us to do silly things like eat a hotdog as quickly as possible (one of the things my husband really did not want to see me have to do for some reason). Except for trying to kick a soccer ball past a goalie- (my goal was not to fall on my butt on camera!) all the challenges were timed. I think it is hysterical that I am doing this. I have issues with time. Even as a child, I was nicknamed "turtle". I was always the last in line - my attention wandering. I am always late and sometimes even get days mixed up. And here I am, frantically counting seconds! I try, I really do and actually find lots of wonderbaums, but not enough... Our team looses by a close margin. We will go to an elimination round. I am not happy, I would like to stay longer, but feel my commitment to being here slipping. Working for the team has kept me going. In an elimination round, I'm on my own.
Our family is wonderful and I'm even more homesick. There is nothing like good food and friends around a table in a home. I corner Tore Andre and talk about school. This homestay makes it very clear how much this experience as a contestant on a reality TV show is a strange bubble. But I am here - in Norway. The view is beautiful and my Norwegian family is out there somewhere. I try to pull myself together. I do appreciate that this show does not pit us against each other, though I feel the tension between us today. One of us will have to go home.
The next day we have off while the other team gets a gondola ride to the top of the mountain. (I still feel sad that we did not get to visit Pulpit Rock in Stavanger). Our team gets to do interviews. But first we are asked if we want to swim in the fjord on camera. We all say, yes! I loved jumping in the fjord and am up for doing it again, except.. I left my swimsuit at the hotel and it has been lost. Not that I wanted to wear a swimsuit on camera. So, I wear a shirt and underwear into the fjord. Todd takes his suit off underwater and swings it around, yelling, "Naked in a fjord!" Of course, we all have to follow. Its a bit awkward with the shirt, but I get it off. I am naked in a fjord. It feels good!

As I was putting the kayak away, I had the sort of interaction that I love when traveling in a strange country. I realized that I was not strong enough to pick up this long sea kayak. I tried moving it bit by bit, when an old man came by and helped me. He knew almost NO English and my Norwegian is awful, but we pantomimed and laughed. He said I was strong; we laughed. He flexed his muscles; we laughed. He pointed to the mountains and bleated like a goat. I have no idea what he was trying to say, but he was so lovely, it was wonderful. If this was one of my last days, it would be fine.
The elimination challenge was really pretty easy and I only have myself to blame. I lost my focus. It was another collection of stations with little challenges based on daily life. I should have aced them, but I didn't. Instead I made a lot of errors. Looking back, I can see that I was getting angry.
The challenge had to be done by each contestant one at a time, with the rest of us waiting our turns. I had gotten the last turn and waited in the hotel for a few hours. It was a gorgeous day and I was in a dark hotel lobby, trying not to be nervous, but getting grumpy instead. I was getting claustrophobic and ready to bolt. I wanted to be in that kayak again. I wanted to be outside without keepers - alone in nature. I did not want to have to do a challenge on Alt for Norge.
My inner curmudgeon won this contest. I raced through the challenge without really thinking - I just wanted it over. And it was. When the results were announced, I was not surprised. To be honest, I was sort of relieved to be going home. I also felt that the others on my team deserved to stay and want to stay, more than me. Alf's dedication to all things Norse is wonderfully sincere; Jessica is here for her family and to prove how strong she is: I'm not sure of Todd's motivation except we can all tell he plays to win and enjoys the entire process. I was here to explore Norway, to prove that I am still an adventurer, to give myself a break from things back home that are not working out, and to find out more about my grandmother. I am proud of being part of this show and have found a peace and strength in this land. I will definitely come back to Norway, but on my own terms.
In this fashion my colleague Wesley Virgin's autobiography starts with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO.
ReplyDeleteWesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he found hidden, "mind control" tactics that the CIA and others used to get everything they want.
As it turns out, these are the same SECRETS lots of famous people (notably those who "became famous out of nothing") and top business people used to become wealthy and successful.
You probably know that you use less than 10% of your brain.
Mostly, that's because the majority of your BRAINPOWER is UNCONSCIOUS.
Maybe that expression has even occurred INSIDE your very own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head 7 years back, while riding an unregistered, beat-up garbage bucket of a car without a driver's license and $3 on his bank card.
"I'm so fed up with living paycheck to paycheck! Why can't I turn myself successful?"
You've taken part in those questions, ain't it right?
Your own success story is waiting to happen. All you have to do is in YOURSELF.
Take Action Now!